Nita Wick

My latest release is called In the Gloaming. It’s an anthology of five faerie stories written by five authors. My story is The Dream.
2. Ooh, tell us a bit about your story ‘The Dream’
Lost in one of Scotland's enchanted forests, a sleeping Katie dreams of trolls,
faeries, and her fantasy lover. And never has a dream felt so real.
3. Magical! Where is this book available?
In the Gloaming is available at Freya’s Bower. (Purchase link: )
4. Do you have a review you’d like to share with us?
We’ve had three wonderful reviews so far. It’s hard to pick which one is best. Our latest review was from Dark Diva Reviews. Eliza awarded 5 Delightful Divas and named In the Gloaming a “Recommended Read.” She said, “All of these authors did a superb job in writing such vivid adventures that I felt I was right there in the middle of it.” Here’s a link to her review: And if you’d like to read about the other two reviews, you can find quotes and links here:
5. Have you written any other books or currently writing one?
I have a novella called How Faerie Dust is Made currently available at The Wild Rose Press. This is book one of The Roscommon Faerie Tales. Here’s a short blurb:
A colony of faeries lives among the lush green forests of Roscommon, Ireland near the Arigna Mountains. Their lives would be peaceful were it not for the humans who live in the area with them. The humans dislike faeries and their magic, and the two races are often at odds. But faerie or human, love makes no distinction. And both will soon find that love is the greatest magic of all.
Conall may be human, but he is Aisling’s life mate. She’s certain of it. After all, a faerie knows these things. Can her magic end the feud between their families? And just how is faerie dust made?
You can purchase that one here:
Part two of the faerie tales is in progress and will hopefully be completed soon. I also have a western historical novel entitled The Wagonmaster that should release around the end of the year at Freya’s Bower.
6. What inspires you to write about Faeries?
I’ve always been fascinated by tales faeries, elves, mermaids, and other mythical creatures. With faerie stories I can let my imagination run wild.
7. Do you believe in Faeries?
You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but I honestly do believe in faeries. I don’t know if faeries are really like Tinkerbell with wings and faerie dust, but I believe God made more than just humans. And I believe there is far more to this world of ours than what our five senses reveal to us.
8. What do you hope readers gain from reading one of your stories?
Enjoyment. When a reader finishes one of my stories, I want them to sigh with the contentment only a happily-ever-after can provide. I’m a hopeless romantic.
9. How about a writing tip for aspiring authors?
Don’t try to write for the current trend. By the time you get the story finished, the trend will likely have changed anyway. Write what you love. Your passion will show in your story. It’s that passion that sells a manuscript. And it’s that passion that makes your story memorable.
10. And finally, where can we find out more about you?
You can find reviews, excerpts, contests, and info about me at my web site: There are some fun pages, too, like links, puzzles, and sexy pics I use as inspiration for the heroes in my books. Please sign my Guestbook if you stop by! And be sure to sign up for my newsletter. I often have contests and random drawings. All of my newsletter members are automatically entered in my personal/individual give-aways.
Thanks, Nita, for taking the time to share your news and views with us. If you would like an 'Author Quickie' contact Debby at the ‘Romance ebooks’ myspace profile or at Next on the 'Author Quickie' – Kelly Moran
Hi Nita,
I enjoyed reading about you and your stories. Congratulations on your sucess!
Jean Pike
Magical interview, Nita! And I don't think you're crazy for believing in fairies...well, no crazier than the rest of us anyway. =)
Great interview! You are a fabulous writer!
Hi Nita,
Life is much more crazy than fiction. Believing in fairies isn't so difficult.
Nice interview, although I'm still stuck on the 'author quickies' angle... LOL and yes, my mind is in the gutter. Me Bad!
"My latest release" sounds pretty darn cool, Nita! Keep talking to those inspirational fairies.
Thank you, Debby, for bringing us this interview. I've read Nita's first book, "How Faerie Dust is Made," and she's a wonderful writer.
Thank you, Jean!
Lainey! *waving* Thanks for stopping by! And I feel knowing I'm not crazier than the rest of you. LOL
Awe, shucks, Eliza! Thanks. And thanks again for that wonderful review.
Catherine! My new MySpace and Goodreads friend! The "Quickie" thing does get your attention. LOL
Pat! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed How Faerie Dust is Made. It means a lot coming from a fellow author.
Debby, thank you for the wonderful interview. I really appreciate all you do to help authors promote their writing.
When you have a child who says, "Mommy, the faeries are coming," it's easy to believe. Of course, I've always believed. I too think there is much more in this world than we ken. :)
Great interview, Nita!
The faeries in my garden believe in you too!!
Hey, Marci! Thanks for stopping by. I think children are far more aware (and accepting) than adults. I often wish we could recover that innocent wonder.
Protect those faeries, Seeley! Oh, and be careful around them. Some of them can be mischievous. ;)
Hi Nita,
I just recently discovered ebooks from Debby and YellowRose. Your book How Fairy Dust is Made was one of the first ones to catch my attention. I look forward to reading more about your fairies in the future!!
Thank you, Sandie!
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